Self-Healing Power and Therapy: Old Teachings from Africa by Kimbwandende Fu-Kiau, C S Moore
Self-Healing Power and Therapy: Old Teachings from Africa by Kimbwandende Fu-Kiau, C S Moore PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The wisdom of having good health can't be overemphasized. If you're tired of being sick and tired, here's the perfect book for you. In Self-Healing Power and Therapy, Dr. K. Kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau presents an extraordinary and revolutionary thesis that successfully combines centuries-old Black African medical practices with the principles of contemporary medicine. Self-Healing Power and Therapy is based on the Bantu-Kongo teachings on the art of healing, which are devoted to assisting the human being in understanding the key principles that govern life. Combining ancient practices with today's sophisticated methods of healing, here then, for the very first time, is a thorough exploration and explanation of an ancient art in a modern setting whose efficacy has survived the test of time.From reader reviews:
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